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Location:NW Iraq

Fieldwork by Geoffrey Khan and Paul Noorlander

Further information about Marga

The coordinates on the map reflect the original location of Marga, which today is called Yemişli, Uludere in Şırnak province of Turkey. Most data have been collected in Dohok and the town of Levo (near Zakho) in northwestern Iraq, where Margaye currently live in Iraq. The dialect has features in common with among others: Umra d-Shish (NW Iraq) and Billin (SE Turkey), Ṭyari dialects like Bne-Lagippa, Halmun and Ashitha (SE Turkey) and dialects further west into Turkey, such as Hassana. The main hallmarks of the dialect of Marga are among others: • Mergers of interdentals with sibilants, except after /i/ and in clusters before /w/ and /l/ • Preservation of diphthongs • Merger of primae /ʾ/ with /y/ in the Present base, e.g. byaxəl ‘he will eat’ • Merger of primae /ʾ/ and /y/ with media /y/ verbs elsewhere • Independent genitive pronoun based on ʾəd and diʾ • Contraction of aye into ā, e.g. qayəm > qām ‘he rises’, ʾayət > ʾāt ‘you’ (ms.) • Expression of the agent by the preposition ʾəl- in the Past, e.g. ʾəlli griša ‘I pulled her’

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