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Audio for Dohok, Jewish

Title Source Text ID Dialect Transcript Translation
A man is a wolf to a wolf (folktale) Dohok, Jewish
A second wife (anecdote) Dorota Molin's fieldwork Dohok, Jewish
Aliah of the Jews of Dohok Dorota Molin's fieldwork Dohok, Jewish
Holidays of the Jews of Dohok Dorota Molin's fieldwork Dohok, Jewish
Mass murder of Christians, persec. of Jews 1930s Dorota Molin's fieldwork Dohok, Jewish
The Farhud (Baghdad pogrom of 1941) Dorota Molin's fieldwork Dohok, Jewish
The Jewish Doctor (folktale) Dohok, Jewish
The middle of the world (folktale) Dorota Molin's fieldwork Dohok, Jewish
The stingy friends (anecdote) Dorota Molin's fieldwork Dohok, Jewish
The True Lie (folktale) Dorota Molin's fieldwork Dohok, Jewish
Weddings of the Jews of Dohok Dohok, Jewish